Saturday, January 4, 2020

Effects Of Drug Use On Society And Individuals - 932 Words

Beard 1 Skyler Beard Mrs. Aten English 9 Honors 19 February, 2015 Effects of Drug Use on Society and Individuals â€Å"The human brain is structured to ensure that individuals will repeat behaviors necessary to survival and well-being. To do this, the brain associates such behaviors with a â€Å"reward,† or feeling of pleasure†(Addiction). This natural occurrence in the body, this â€Å"pleasurable feeling†, has led to a plethora of harmful and dangerous substances being grown, manufactured, and sold, whether it be medicinal- for the use of sickness or injury (usually prescribed)- or illegally, which tend to be more harmful and more â€Å"alluring† so to speak, because of its illegality. Either it be legal or illegal, misuse of substances and eventual addiction harms not only the individual, but the community and society. As humans, we tend to think for ourselves, and ourselves alone. We can more often than not be coerced into doing things by our peers (known as â€Å"peer pressure†). Individuals who use and abus e drugs think nothing of the effect they have on others, rarely caring about the effect they have even on themselves. Adolescents usually get addicted, or just â€Å"have fun† and experiment with drugs like marijuana and nicotine. Adults, especially those who have suffered Beard 2 illness or injury. They take drugs like meth, cocaine, and heroine. Adults can also easily become addicted to theirShow MoreRelatedThe Movie The Wolf On Wall Street Essay1369 Words   |  6 PagesDaring to Defy Drug Abuse If you have ever seen the movie The Wolf on Wall Street, there is no doubt you have seen the effects drugs can have. Leonardo DiCaprio portrays a high-strung stock broker reliant on a multitude of illegal drugs to keep up with his hectic life style. His addiction gets so severe that at one point in the movie, he is lying on the floor, unable to move due to the drugs’ effects on his body. 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