Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Basant free essay sample

Business readers are impatient. Since they generally have to read a lot of material in a given day, they don’t like to sift through excess verbiage and lengthy discourses. They want rapid access to the information contained in the correspondence that is sent to them. Business readers ask two questions when they pick up a letter addressed to them. what is this about what (if anything) do I need to do. Good business writing is clear and lean both suited to its purpose as well as economic in its use of words. Prepare †  plan †  draft †  edit †  proof Layout †  salutation †  opening †  ending †  confidential Scenarios exercises Sales Breakdown writer’s fear and get the job done Convey a sense of confidence and professionalism Organize your writing so that it flows logically Develop a â€Å"Call to action† message that gets results. Develop written communication that is clear and concise. Good writing is an essential s kill because business does business in writing. We will write a custom essay sample on Basant or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Those who write will do well in business 1- Planning the document †  determining the documents purpose (informative or persuasive) and analyzing the potential reader. 2- Brainstorming the document contents †  recording thoughts quickly without judgment and seeking a quantity of ideas. 3- Stating the main point early in the document defying document purpose and subordinating references to previous documents meetings and conversation. 4- Organizing the document logically and visibly †  basing that organization on the documents purpose and the reader’s needs and using emphasis techniques to highlight key concepts. Ending and summing the documentary a systematic review process to ensure organizational clearly content accuracy and grammatical correctness. When writers constantly employ these principal of effective business writing their readers understand clearly why the letters were written and what should be done after reading them. To Begin with 1. Start from the End Decide what the result of your letter ought to be. List things you would like to say and review them. Remove those not supporting the main idea. Good letters have a strong sense of purpose. . Get to the point early Don’t delay. You should state your main cause in the first paragraph 3. Put yourself in your readers place If the letter came to you, how would you respond? Be pleasant; try to turn negative statements into positive ones. 4. Say it plainly Phrases like â€Å"in compliance with your request† and â€Å"enclosed herewith are stilted. Write as you talk naturally. Include just one idea. Sentences longer than two typed lines are suspect. 5. Clear the deadwoods Cut words, sentences and even paragraph that don’t contribute. Work hard to simplify your reader’s job. Be especially careful with adjectives, which can sap strength from your words. 6. Use of active verbs Passive voice is weak and confusing â€Å"A decision has been reached by the committee† is inferior to â€Å"The committee has reached a decision†. Also readers can sense your evasiveness if you write â€Å"your order has been misplaced† instead of â€Å" I misplaced your order†. 7. Be Human Your letter should read like a conversation. Address your reader by name †Dear Mr. Haroon† and if you can fit it in naturally, use Mr. Haroon’s name in the body. You want him to know the letter is personal. When ever you can use pronouns like, I we and you be positive. 8. Never write in anger Anger will evaporate; a letter won’t. Devise a way to handle problems in an upbeat manner. Your chance of success will multiply ten fold. 9. End with an action step The end of a letter should suggest the readers’ next move, or your own. Don’t write distracting closings like â€Å"again, thank you for †¦. or† if you have problems, please don’t hesitate to call â€Å"close with a simple â€Å"sincerely† and your signature. It may be a perfect ending. 10. Be professional The most well written letters can’t survive bad presentation.

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