Friday, December 27, 2019

Should Celebrities Have Their Right to Privacy - 1557 Words

Should celebrities have their right to privacy? Before newspapers, television, and the internet, ordinary people were not exposed to endless stories about celebrities. Today however, we are bombarded with information about who is dating whom, where they eat, and what they wear from magazines such as People, Entertainment Weekly, and Star. Also, most ordinary people respect the rights of others to a private life. However, some people are just obsessed to get information out of celebrities. They want to know everything about them and have a desire for more information. Celebrities should have their right to privacy due to historical/practical rights, their invasion of privacy with paparazzi, and their childrens’ rights to privacy. They are†¦show more content†¦The article â€Å"The Right to Privacy† became the foundation of privacy tort law in America. For example, there are laws in some states that bar the press from recording private conversations and then the police began wiretapping telephones (â€Å"At Issue: Privacy and the Press†). Beginning in 1905, the Georgia Supreme Court in Pavesich v. New England Life Insurance Company became the first court to recognize that a common law right of privacy exists in the state. That has used an unauthorized photograph of the plaintiff Paolo Pavesich and attributed statements to him that he did not make. In 1920 The American Civil Liberties Union is dedicated to protecting First Amendment rights and rights to equal protection under the law, due process, and privacy. The European Convention on Human Rights states that all people have a â€Å"right to respect for private and family life, his home and his correspondence in 1950. Also on December 18, 1967, the U.S Supreme Court in Katz v. U.S ruled that wiretaps must have court approval, even in places open to the public, such as a public telephone booth (Right of Privacy Timeline). Next, Congress passes the Privacy Act of 1974 to protect the privacy of citizens by limiting the government’s authority to collection information. Privacy Journal, a monthly newsletter devoted exclusively to news about privacy, is founded and also the People Magazine is launched. February 22, 1977 acknowledged at least two types of interests regardingShow MoreRelatedCelebrities Should Have More Privacy Rights1037 Words   |  5 PagesSpeech Outline Topic: Celebrities Should Have More Privacy Rights General Purpose: To Persuade Specific Purpose: To persuade to my audience that celebrities should have more privacy rights. Thesis: Celebrities are human beings, and deserve the right to live their personal life privately like any other average human being. Introduction A.) Attention Getter: Let s be honest; Most of us can be a little addicted to social media, gossip and juicy details about what celebrities do in their daily livesRead MoreCelebrities and Privacy1609 Words   |  7 Pagesconsists of politicians, athletes, celebrities and other individuals who are famous. For our presentation we will be concentrating on celebrities and whether they should expect their privacy to be respected by the media. Media comes in various forms, with the more common ones being newspapers, tabloids, radio, paparazzi, internet, social media and many more. A conflict of rights? Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights stated that every person has the â€Å"right to respect for his private andRead MoreEssay about Paparazzi: How Far is Too Far?1607 Words   |  7 Pageswho pursues celebrities to get photographs of them.† (Definition of paparazzo, 2011) The name originated from the last name of a photographer in the 1960 film La Dolce Vita. (Green) Yet the meaning from the word paparazzo denotes a stronger meaning than just a freelance photographer. The paparazzi are notorious for their persistent and annoying personalities who will go through any measure to get the shot that they wish for. The main targets of the paparazzi are the celebrities who enchantRead MorePublic Figures and Private Lives838 Words   |  4 PagesEveryone wants to be a celebrity. They want to be a famous actor, singer, etc. However, the real idea people need to be thinking about is, are you willing to give up your privacy and freedom? Once one becomes known to the public so does their entire life, whether one likes it or not. Take a look at Britney Spears; there is nothing about her life that is not public. Should this be a bad thing? Or should these public figure have their privacy? I think not. These celebrities came into the public eyeRead MorePublic Figures And Their Privacy1582 Words   |  7 Pagesfigures and their Privacy. Everyone dreams of earning fame and fortune. People who are popular by virtue of their professions, whether it is acting, sports or politics, try their best to earn the admiration and respect of the public. This is because a huge fan base following can always use their advantage irrespective of whether you are an actor or a politician. However, this fame and fan following comes at a price: the loss of their privacy. Shakelford defined privacy as, â€Å"Privacy is a vast conceptRead MoreMedical Records and Privacy of the Famous1140 Words   |  5 PagesMedical Records and Privacy of the Famous Privacy seems to be something that many people desire, but is becoming less and less available. With all the new technology, it is easier than ever to invade someone’s privacy. With cameras everywhere, from ATM’s to people’s cell phones, it is difficult for anyone to do anything that can be kept to one ’s self. While privacy is a right that the average person doesn’t normally struggle with, it is a problem that celebrities encounter everyday. PaparazziRead MoreBuzzing Insects: American Paparazzi1594 Words   |  7 PagesThe American paparazzi have been described by celebrities and the news media as scum-of-the-Earth—mean, intrusive scavengers who feast upon other people’s misery (Saltzman par. 4). Imagine taking a walk with your children in a secluded hiking trail. You are trying to enjoy the peace and serenity that the beautiful day brings, but, as fate has it, you are a celebrity. Along with your fame come fans constantly askin g for your autograph, people gazing and staring at you, and ultimately causing a sceneRead MoreMedia Reporting Vicious Cycle1402 Words   |  6 Pagesaround by complete strangers and have their picture taken? How would they feel if they read a false and negative article about themselves in a newspaper? Would they feel uncomfortable and unprotected? The typical answer to that question is yes. Most people would feel uneasy about the whole idea of their lives being publicized for others. They would also most likely feel used. However, the scenarios in these questions are a normal and almost daily routine for a celebrity. Thanks to the media, they areRead MoreCelebrities’ Rights to Privacy674 Words   |  3 PagesUnfortunately, the personalities and affairs of celebrities are viewed as inherently public. Paparazzi argue that the nature of celebrities’ jobs is construed as waiving their rights to privacy. However, this waiver should be regarded as a limited waiver, restri cting the press to examine and exposing only that information that has some bearing on the individual’s position in society. The constant exposure that celebrities receive tends to make celebrities more physiologically tolerant of the press behaviorRead MoreEssay about The Life of Celebrities676 Words   |  3 Pagesand disadvantages to a celebrity life. Some of the advantages that I will evince later on in the essay are: money, popularity, good press in magazines; however, some of the disadvantages that I, too, will evince later on are: privacy intrusions, harassment and childrens’ privacy (children of the celebrities). This essay will also discuss the impact this has on us and will debate the luscious lives of celebrities – or, some may argue, the cruel, callous life of a celebrity. There are many advantages

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Treatment Options That Work Melasma Is A Common Skin...

Melasma Treatment Options that Work Melasma is a common skin condition that causes skin discoloration on the face. Statistics from the American Academy of Dermatology show that the disease affects more than 6 million Americans. Of those afflicted by the condition, 90% are women. The number of products that have been manufactured to address the treatment of melasma is further evidence of how widespread the condition is. Sadly, the products make it appear as if treating melasma is easy; it is not. Before you decide to buy product X, Y or Z, I advise that you spend a few hours reading about the condition. What causes Melasma? The most common cause of Melasma is an increase in melanin due to overexposure to the sun. However, an imbalance in hormones can also cause melasma. This is often evidenced in pregnant women, hence the moniker â€Å"mask of pregnancy.† Other common causes of melasma include the use of birth control medication and other estrogen supplements. What Products are Available for the treatment of Melasma? There are a few genuine products that can eliminate skin pigmentation. With a little tolerance, you can achieve impeccable results using some of the products. However, the ultimate success depends on the type of melasma: dermal or epidermal. Kojic Acid, Papain, Glycolic acid, niacinamide and alpha arbutin When it comes to treating melasma, nothing beats the power of organic remedies. Kojic acid, one of the most potent natural treatments for melasma, is a powerfulShow MoreRelatedMelasma Essay example899 Words   |  4 PagesMelasma is a skin disorder that appears as irregular brown skin patches on the cheeks, nose, forehead and upper lip. Melasma is not dangerous, but can impair your appearance, personality and self confidence. Various options of treatment are available and dermatologists found the melasma laser treatment to be effective of all. Causes of melasma: Melasma is caused due to an over production of melanin. Melanin is the substance that imparts color to the skin. The exact cause for this type of hyperpigmentation

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Basant free essay sample

Business readers are impatient. Since they generally have to read a lot of material in a given day, they don’t like to sift through excess verbiage and lengthy discourses. They want rapid access to the information contained in the correspondence that is sent to them. Business readers ask two questions when they pick up a letter addressed to them. what is this about what (if anything) do I need to do. Good business writing is clear and lean both suited to its purpose as well as economic in its use of words. Prepare †  plan †  draft †  edit †  proof Layout †  salutation †  opening †  ending †  confidential Scenarios exercises Sales Breakdown writer’s fear and get the job done Convey a sense of confidence and professionalism Organize your writing so that it flows logically Develop a â€Å"Call to action† message that gets results. Develop written communication that is clear and concise. Good writing is an essential s kill because business does business in writing. We will write a custom essay sample on Basant or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Those who write will do well in business 1- Planning the document †  determining the documents purpose (informative or persuasive) and analyzing the potential reader. 2- Brainstorming the document contents †  recording thoughts quickly without judgment and seeking a quantity of ideas. 3- Stating the main point early in the document defying document purpose and subordinating references to previous documents meetings and conversation. 4- Organizing the document logically and visibly †  basing that organization on the documents purpose and the reader’s needs and using emphasis techniques to highlight key concepts. Ending and summing the documentary a systematic review process to ensure organizational clearly content accuracy and grammatical correctness. When writers constantly employ these principal of effective business writing their readers understand clearly why the letters were written and what should be done after reading them. To Begin with 1. Start from the End Decide what the result of your letter ought to be. List things you would like to say and review them. Remove those not supporting the main idea. Good letters have a strong sense of purpose. . Get to the point early Don’t delay. You should state your main cause in the first paragraph 3. Put yourself in your readers place If the letter came to you, how would you respond? Be pleasant; try to turn negative statements into positive ones. 4. Say it plainly Phrases like â€Å"in compliance with your request† and â€Å"enclosed herewith are stilted. Write as you talk naturally. Include just one idea. Sentences longer than two typed lines are suspect. 5. Clear the deadwoods Cut words, sentences and even paragraph that don’t contribute. Work hard to simplify your reader’s job. Be especially careful with adjectives, which can sap strength from your words. 6. Use of active verbs Passive voice is weak and confusing â€Å"A decision has been reached by the committee† is inferior to â€Å"The committee has reached a decision†. Also readers can sense your evasiveness if you write â€Å"your order has been misplaced† instead of â€Å" I misplaced your order†. 7. Be Human Your letter should read like a conversation. Address your reader by name †Dear Mr. Haroon† and if you can fit it in naturally, use Mr. Haroon’s name in the body. You want him to know the letter is personal. When ever you can use pronouns like, I we and you be positive. 8. Never write in anger Anger will evaporate; a letter won’t. Devise a way to handle problems in an upbeat manner. Your chance of success will multiply ten fold. 9. End with an action step The end of a letter should suggest the readers’ next move, or your own. Don’t write distracting closings like â€Å"again, thank you for †¦. or† if you have problems, please don’t hesitate to call â€Å"close with a simple â€Å"sincerely† and your signature. It may be a perfect ending. 10. Be professional The most well written letters can’t survive bad presentation.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Scanners Essays - Image Scanners, Records Management Technology

Scanners Scanners Over the years the prices of scanners have dropped drastically both in the home and office. With as little as $89.00 dollars anybody can own a scanner. Although a scanner that is purchased for $89.00 may not have all the features or functions that a $1000.00 scanner may have, for home use it will be more than sufficient. Unless you are a graphic artist or a photographer who having the added features and functions, could determine getting your job done, a cheaper scanner will do just fine. With a less expensive scanner you may only be able to scan documents and photographs, while with a more expensive scanner you will be able to scan transparencies, 35 mm film and slides.( Also with a more expensive scanner the speed at which the scanner processes the scanned information is much faster than that of a less inexpensive scanner. Ultimately it is up to you the consumer to decide which scanner is best for you and how much money you are willing or able to spend. I visited a few web sites and look at an inexpensive scanner compared to an expensive scanner, here are the results. Although this next scanner is not your typical scanner I thought it was worth mentioning because it is new and quite unique. The IS-22 Scanner (color image cartridge) is manufactured by Canon. This scanner cartridge is currently priced at $90.77. It is not your typical scanner. When you think of a scanner the typical flatbed scanner or hand-held scanners is what the consumer thinks of in a scanner. This scanner cartridge works with a Canon BJC-4300 Series printers. You will receive a color image scanner cartridge which transforms your printer into a color sheetfed scanner. You can scan mostly everything that a normal inexpensive scanner will scan. It will scan in color, black and white photos, magazine articles, documents and more. This scanner cartridge will save you space and money. To operate the scanner software associated with the BJC-4300 Series printers is quite simple. After loading the scanner cartridge software you are ready to scan. You simply put whatever documents you want to scan in your printer and tell the scanning software what you want to scan. It is that simple. The UMAX PowerLook lll Professional Scanner is a flatbed scanner. The current price for this scanner is $1099.99, it is manufactured by UMAX Computer Corp. The quality of this scanner is impeccable. You will get very realistic images from this scanner. Besides scanning documents and photographs, it will also scan slides, transparencies, negatives, and reflective originals. You can also crop and scan up to 12, 35mm slides. You can scan 35 mm film and the largest document you can scan is 8.5 x 11.7. It also captures fine details in shadow areas. This type of scanner works similar to a copy machine. You simply place whatever information you want to scan onto the bed of the scanner, close the lid and chose to scan the image. Just as with any other type of scanner you can choose to print, save to file or disk, or both.( With both scanners you want to make sure that you load the scanning software into your hard drive. A dialog screen will pop up that will help you with the installation of the software. Your scanning equipment will come with directions on how to operate your particular scanner. How to troubleshoot. Numbers to call if you should need technical support.